We’ve compiled a list of useful resources for anybody suffering from ADHD, or raising a child who has ADHD.

ADHD Information and Studies

These resources provide information on what ADHD is, the various aspects of diagnosis, as well as ongoing studies aimed at finding better treatments.

The Complete Guide to ADHD — Our comprehensive guide to ADHD, managing the symptoms, finding the best treatments and more.

WebMD ADHD Overview — Comprehensive overview of what ADHD is.

CHADD: Find a Study — Valuable list of studies that have been published on the subject of ADHD. Strictly evidence-based research.

ADHD Studies — Want to contribute to research in to ADHD? Here’s a list of ongoing studies where you may be able to help.

Help For ADD — Ongoing research by David Rabiner, Ph.D. He provides a free subscription with email updates and immediate access to detailed reviews of over 200 recently published studies.

ADHD Blogs

These sites are personal blogs with tips and stories that readers may find useful in understanding and managing ADHD.

VeryWell — Collection of useful actionable articles from Jacqueline Sinfield, author of Untapped Brilliance, How to Reach Your Full Potential as an Adult with ADHD.

ADHD Rollercoaster — Gina Pera writes insightful stories and essays in to adult life with ADHD.

ADHD Kids Rock — Fun blog that focuses on the good (and funny) side of ADHD.

Marla Cummings — Maria is an award winning ADHD coach. She is committed to guiding adults with ADHD to implement successful, proven ways of minimizing the challenges of ADHD while accentuating their strengths.

ADHD Momma — Inspiring and uplifting stories from mothers of ADHD children. Lots of alternative therapies discussed and analysed.

An ADD Woman — Brenda Nicholson is an ADD coach who publishes a variety of diet tips, organization ideas and coping strategies.

Dr. Hallowell — Dr Hallowell has appeared on a number of popular TV shows discussing ADHD. This blog is a collection of short punchy tips on subjects that will resonate to anybody affected by ADHD.

ADHD Forums & Support Groups

Many people find ADHD easier to manage with a strong support network. These resources connect you to likeminded parents and/or other adults with ADHD.

CHADD — National resource for tackling ADHD, including regular Ask An Expert sessions, forum discussions and training events for parents.

ADHD Kids Care (Facebook Group) — Community on Facebook for parents seeking tips and advice from a crowd of over 40,000.

ADHD Support Group UK (Facebook Group) — Invite-only community for parents and over 18s. UK based.

ADD Forums — Large forum community of almost 100,000 members.

ADHD Marriage — Forum for those in relationships where one or both partners has ADHD.

ADHD Other Useful Resources

A selection of additional resources for managing ADHD:

Educational Rights for Children with ADHD — Do you have a child with ADHD? Make sure you take advantage of their full education rights, explained here.

ADHD reWired Podcast — Free podcast offering tips in productivity, time-management, self-management and goal achievement.

Attention Talk Podcast — Weekly radio podcasts provide support for managing symptoms of attention deficit disorder, adults with ADD, or adults who have children with ADHD.

Taking Control: The ADHD Podcast — Nikki Kinzer and Pete Wright offer support, tools, and strategies for anyone looking to take control of their ADHD.

More Attention, Less Deficit — A podcast with a combination of practical nuts-and-bolts strategies, plus thought-provoking topics that will give you a deeper understanding of ADHD.

Reddit ADHD Category — A lively community that is popular with young adults.

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